The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Faculty-Staff Recreation Association was incorporated on 9 January 1968 as a nonprofit organization. The establishment of the asssociation resulted from the findings of the Faculty Council's Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Social and Recreational Facilities. Upon recommendation of the Standing Committee on Faculty Welfare, this committee was appointed on 21 February 1966 to inventory available facilities and to gauge faculty interest in favor of expanded programs. The recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee were accepted and a Special Committee on Social and Recreational Facilities was appointed to implement them. Among the most important of these recommendations were the establishment of a nonprofit corporation to oversee the organization and operation of a social and recreational center and the acquisition of land for such a center. On 27 November 1967, the Special Committee held an organizational meeting at which a Board of Directors and a Charter of Incorporation were approved for the the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Faculty-Staff Recreation Association, Inc. Records of the the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Faculty-Staff Recreation Association include minutes of meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Social and Recreational Facilities and the Special Committee on Social and Recreational Facilities, and files of the association's Board of Directors. The board's files include minutes of meetings and material concerning membership drives and the selection and development of the Mason Farm site on Barbee Chapel Road in Chapel Hill as the site for the new facility.